Saturday, December 15


Here it is: a long grey cool day in Tennessee. Nothing like the terrible ice and snow storms occurring in the upper Midwest and Northeast. Should I feel guilty that I've seen neither ice, snow, nor frigid temperatures? Maybe not, but I can't help some pangs, owing to having friends and relatives dealing with these conditions. If I just don't brag about it, we'll all feel better.

I'm continuing to gather interesting stories and information relating to kids and human foibles to make us grin, guffaw or gesture. For instance, here is a fun game for kids and grownups alike If you're really good, you can earn a certificate of distinction to hang on your wall.

I'm beginning a fun new contest for the best caption for a picture I will post twice a month. You can win great gifts from my back hall closet. I will judge the best caption submitted and award the prize. Here is the first picture, so put on your thinking caps!

That's it for this Saturday...have a great week!

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